I subscribe to Bo Sanchez's Soulfood Newsletter. And the July 6 post struck me real hard.
As I wrote in my previous post, June is a period of transition for the whole family. We survived June well. Still the transition continues. And lately I have been feeling another adjustment with regard to work schedule. I was not very comfortable about it and I fear so many things. I was not very graceful in coping with the changes that I end up hurting the love of my life, my hubby (to which I really am very, very, very sorry). All these changes that is happening right now including the thought of having a new job is making me uneasy. Fear is over-powering the blessings that are actually being given to us. The good prospect for hubby and I are lost in my own negative imagination. And yes, I'm not only hurting myself but my hubby too who only deserves support, love, and understanding at this time.
Oh Lord Jesus, open my eyes, my mind, and my heart to the great possibilities these "transitions" will give me and my family. You have greater and bigger blessings outside of what we already have. Help me to trust in your goodness. Don't allow me to leave your side. Set our thoughts to what is good and right. And in all these, dear Lord, thank you very much.